Friday, January 31, 2014

commercial techniques

    Introduction Below here is a commercial that uses the techniques called emotional appeal and transfer. By now you probably don't know what that means. Emotional technique is when they give of a feeling of happy,sad or ext. Transfer is when when you use it something amazing will happen. How they use these two techniques in this commercial is that they try to make you laugh when the hamster does funny stuff in the begging of the video,how they use transfer is that they try to say if you buy the car you will be famous like the hamsters at the end.The techniques are importent in the commercial because if you did not have something funny or sad they would not remember the commercial when they go out to buy a car.Also how the transfer technique is useful for them in this commercial is that if they did not use it then what is the purpose of buying if there is nothing special. Opinion I like the commercial above because it was very funny and tells you why to buy you the car, for example near the end of the commercial it show the three hamsters all famous and attractive because of the car.The strategies they used made me buy the product because since they used the emotional appeal when someone goes out to buy a car they might remember the car and thinks it is cool and then finally makes them buy the car.Also since they used the transfer technique at the end the hamsters were "special" so the people who are going to buy the car will buy the car and think they are going to be "special" or famous.I think they tried to targeted the people who want to be famous and love funny commercials.I do think the commercial will make money out of this car because people will start to remember of how "special" and famous you would be when you buy the car. Challenge In the comment section below tell me which one in my top 10 list was the best, also tell why.In my opinion I think that the 1st one was funny because they used the emotional appeal in the funny way.Also in the comments tell what was good in this blog post and things I needed to fix.Then finally in the comments tell me which technique for advertising do you like the most and why.In my opinion I think that the emotional technique is the best because it grabs whoever is watching it they're attention.

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